tirsdag 6. september 2011

”Morning impressions from Thailand”

free counters
My camera joined me for a walk in the morning.
 A butterfly is enchanted by these red flowers

 Up in the sky two fighter aircraft are heading for the home base in Khorat

 Rubber from Hevea Brasiliensis is important for tyres and many other things
 New rubber trees being tapped. They are too young but rubber prices are very good now.
 Old rubber trees waiting for night workers; the trees are cut in night time.
 The rainy season leaves its marks in tapioka fields and dirt roads.

 Rice paddies
A lone farmer gives fertilizer in the paddies
 Someone plants the rice as farmers have been doing for ages.
 Others farmers sow the rice in paddies when there is no water. When the plants are 10-30 cm the paddies are flooded.
 Crabs stay in the paddies. They have a good time till they are caught and eaten.
 Lotus flowers
 The sky is high, the land is flat, and this farmer is plodding on ploughing his field. Three ladies are walking to the fields as farmers were doing before motorized vehicles appeared on the roads.

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