mandag 25. oktober 2010

”China – a disgrace to humanity/a severe case of system error”

It seems to be a never-ending story how political parties/leaders that want to do good end up as opposites supporting political subjugation and man’s most evil inclinations. Communist China has not learnt anything from the failures of political systems which have brought down their own demise: The Romans, the Persians, the Ottomans, the Nazis, the Sovjets, the Khmer Rouge.

It seems to be a neverending story how believers of various systems, political, religious etc, juxtaposes reality with belief.

I think I will never stop wondering about this enigmatic trait of character concerning our species homo sapiens sapiens. Maybe it is a secret wish of order to cope with a chaotic reality?

If I let myself sink into the depths of my consciousness, touching unconscious levels, I think and feel we have more in common with other living species than we want to acknowledge to ourselves. We are not too different from other species (bacteriae, plants, animals), with whom we have a common genetic heritage. All of us have to create strategies to cope with a harsh reality.

As for China the vastness of the political experiment, the macro scale, makes it easier to see what is going on.

Still I think the answer to our enigmatic ways of behaving in many fields is to be found on a genetic level common to other species. With whom we share the affinity to repetive behaviour.

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