søndag 23. mai 2010

”Pathetic to watch Thai TV these days”

The news are censored by the army/police (or maybe their puppet government), and it is pathetic how they show the same things on all channels simultaneously. The fact is that there are more than 80 fatalities, mostly civilians, and up to 2.000 people injured. Still the authories repeat again and again that ”we are the good guys fighting armed terrorists”. Again and again they show the weapons belonging to the ”terrorists”. It is difficult to tell what is true or not. As in most conflicts neither of the parts tell the truth. And all the time they show happy Thais waving Thai flags etc. As probably more than half of the population disagrees with ”the official version” I think it is a disgrace and shame that the people in power go on like this. Interesting to see what will happen next in ”amazing Thailand”. Business as usual will not be an easy task, I guess.

However, all the people waving flags reminds me of Norway May 17. Didn’t the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, visit the Norwegian soldiers in Afganistan, telling them that they make Norway a safer place to live? Believe it or not!!! Amazing! Not too different from ”Amazing Thailand” these days.

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