lørdag 29. juni 2013

”US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene'?

No comments except that this reminds me of regimes of the past preoccupied about hygiene of different kinds.

torsdag 27. juni 2013

”Paragliding fra Oftenåsen”

ble det ikke noe av i dag. Det var lett baktrekk, og selv med nullvind var det nok litt for kort løpebane til å starte sikkert. Fin gåtur opp og ned likevel. Det var spredt bløtgjødsel på 2/3 av landingsjordet (se bilde). Med god vind inn skulle det luktet skikkelig på start…

tirsdag 25. juni 2013

”Oftenåsen og Lorås”

i Steinkjer kan være flyalternativer de nærmeste dagene om det blir vind og mer sol. På Lorås var gresset noe langt, så det er vanskelig å springe noe særlig. På Oftenåsen var det akkurat plass til å legge ut PG, men ikke så mange meter klaring bakover.

free counters

torsdag 6. juni 2013


This is probably the nation for most of us:

onsdag 5. juni 2013

”Creators of myths – away and here?”

Do you remember the myths of Ahasverus/The Wandering Jew, The Seven Sleepers of Efesus, Wilhelm Tell? These myths appear in different forms in different places at different times.

The myths tell us things about coping with the real world and about ourselves. At least that is what myth interpreters say. Believing that the myths represent real stories is up to you and me.

Creation of myths is not a phenomenon of the past. There is an abundance of myth material floating around due to the presence of multimedia of various kinds. You only stretch out your mind, take your pick. That’s it.

An ancient myth form is the conspiration myth which is more alive than ever before, You take the ”facts” you want, mix it together with your beliefs, and spread it on the Internet.

søndag 2. juni 2013

”Ipads, Iphones etc. – social media or not?”

Atle was abruptly wide awake when he read that 1 out of 4 Norwegians went to bed with their Ipads. What do you do in bed with an Ipad?

For the time being Atle is in Bangkok. At a restaurant he observed a young couple eating. Sure they were eating. They were even sitting face to face. Both of them were doing something on their Iphones as if the person sitting opposite did not exist.

At a movie theatre people were waiting for the movies to start. Almost everyone had some handheld device. Atle saw they were there. Still they were not there but some place in cyberspace. It did not look social at all.

Atle has also observed that e-mails get shorter and shorter. That is those which are ”written on my Ipad”

Atle has seriously thought about getting an Ipad himself. He has tried one, too. But it is impossible to write touch on the on screen keyboard. External keyboards are too small, too. He very often hits the wrong key and uses two or three times more time on writing the same amount of words. A disaster if you want to express yourself in a decent way in Atle’s opinion.

Written on my portable PC