lørdag 30. januar 2010
”Fin flytur i rolig luft”
Starten gikk greit på første forsøk. Tok en runde til Soengsang og tilbake. Det var så godt som vindstille på landingen. Kuttet motoren litt før landing, gled inn med full fart og konsentrerte meg om å steile ut vingen. Armene mine burde nok vært en del centimeter lengre. Neste gang får jeg kompensere for det ved å ta grep over bremsehåndtakene. Landingen var grei nok, men den kunne vært litt mykere.
onsdag 27. januar 2010
"Skjermhåndtering på en søvnig dag"
Vinden roet seg ned betydelig sent på ettermiddagen, og jeg fant frem den gamle Adventureskjermen. Hadde to fine opptrekk og sprang over hele idrettsplassen. Så ble det kvelden. Selv om jeg var søvnig, husket jeg å gjøre som på den plakaten på et hotell i Bangkok (se bildet) som jeg MÅTTE ta et bilde av.
fredag 22. januar 2010
”Et tankekors, en tankehalvmåne, et tankebønnehjul eller hva man skal si her hvor buddhismen er rådende tro?”
Her hvor jeg bor (der hvor pepper’n gror), er det ingen offentlig renovasjon, altså ingen renovasjonsavgift. I dag kom det en mann (se bildet) innom med en håndkjerre og hentet plastavfall, tomflasker, metallavfall og annet avfall som kan resirkuleres. Han fyller opp en pickup. For søppelet betaler han omtrent 500 baht; I Soengsang (det nærmeste tettstedet) selger han lasset for 3.000 baht.
Mens man i Norge må betale i dyre dommer for å bli kvitt avfallet (som vel har en verdi også i Norge?), FIKK VI HER 100 BAHT (snautt 20 kroner) av han som tok med seg avfallet (eller verdiene).
Skjønne det den som kan? Her er søppelet en ressurs for meg som produser det, mens i Norge må jeg betale for å bli kvitt det.
Ellers lurte jeg på en paramo tortur (den trykkfeilsdjevelen!) nå på ettermiddagen, men jeg ser at det er noen ettermiddagsbyger som trykker på. Så det får kan hende være til i morgen. Ellers så er det faktkisk nesten tortur å bære rundt på 40 kg motor. Skal jeg i tillegg stå og vente på at vinden står lagelig inn, utvikler jeg flaskeskuldre (har sjekket det i speilet etterpå…). Det ser ikke pent ut, nei!
onsdag 20. januar 2010
”Solid bakkekontakt i dag"
mandag 18. januar 2010
”The Mad Scientist Syndrome and the Big Pharma Mafia?”
Denne kommentaren er sakset fra The Guardian, en seriøs britisk avis.
Swine flu was as elusive as WMD. The real threat is mad scientist syndrome
Remember the warnings of 65,000 dead? Health chiefs should admit they were wrong – yet again – about a global pandemic
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o Simon Jenkins
o guardian.co.uk, Thursday 14 January 2010 20.30 GMT
o Article history
Let me recap. Six months ago I reviewed the latest bit of terrorism to emerge from the government's Cobra bunker, courtesy of Alan Johnson, home secretary. Swine flu was allegedly ravaging the nation. The BBC was intoning nightly statistics on what "could" happen as "the deadly virus" took hold. The chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, bandied about any figure that came into his head, settling on "65,000 could die", peaking at 350 corpses a day.
Donaldson knew exactly what would happen. The media went berserk. The World Health Organisation declared a "six-level alert" so as to "prepare the world for an imminent attack". The happy-go-lucky virologist, John Oxford, said half the population could be infected, and that his lowest estimate was 6,000 dead.
The "Andromeda strain" was stalking the earth, and its first victims were clearly scientists. Drugs were frantically stockpiled and key workers identified as vital to be saved for humanity's future. Cobra alerted the army. Morgues were told to stand ready. The Green party blamed intensive pig farming. The Guardian listed "the top 10 plague books".
If anyone dared question this drivel, they were dismissed by Donaldson as "extremists". When people started reporting swine flu to be even milder than ordinary flu, he accused them of complacency and told them to "wait for next winter". He was already buying 32m masks and spending more than £1bn on Tamiflu and vaccines. Surgeries refused entry to those with flu symptoms, referring them to a government "hotline" where prescription drugs were ordered to be made available without examination or doctor's note. Who knows how many died of undiagnosed illness as a result? Lines were instantly jammed. It was pure, systematic government-induced panic – in which I accept that the media played its joyful part.
This week the authorities admitted that, far from a winter upturn in swine flu, there has been a slump. From 100,000 a week at the peak, there were just 12,000 last week. After the coldest winter for decades, when deaths might be expected to rise, the rate is below that of seasonal flu. In the UK, 360 people have died under its influence, most with prior "non-flu" conditions. Swine flu is not nice – I have had it – but bears no relation to the government hysteria.
I accept that anyone can make a mistake, and authority has some duty to err on the side of caution. As Alastair Campbell implied on Tuesday, Iraq might have had weapons of mass destruction, so Blair was right to go to war just in case. But it is reasonable to ask, as the Chilcot inquiry is doing, why precaution on such a colossal and potentially destructive scale was justified when those who questioned the need for it have since been proved right. Is anyone asking about flu?
Swine flu is not the first time we have suffered this nonsense. I have a stack of predictions by senior scientists on BSE/CJD in 1995. It would "lead to 136,000 deaths" – a spurious exactitude used to convey plausibility – and "could infect up to 10 million Britons". This led to an obscene £5bn campaign of cattle destruction and compensation. When the prediction proved wildly wrong, the government excused itself with a classic Rumsfeld-ism: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
This was followed by Sars 2003, a "panic gripping the world". The World Health Organisation declared that "One in four Britons could die". The medical doom-monger, Dr Patrick Dixon, said that Sars had "a 25% chance of killing tens of millions", whatever that meant. The madcap Tory health spokesman, Liam Fox, demanded the arrest and quarantining of all recent travellers from Asia, including 30,000 Asian students.
In the event, some 800 people died with Sars worldwide, against 21,000 who died in Britain in the seasonal flu epidemic of 1999/2000.
Undaunted, within a year the same alarmists were at work on avian flu. With now habitual hyperbole, Donaldson predicted 50,000 deaths, with "an upper limit", graciously conceded, of 750,000. When one dead swan slumped on a beach in Scotland, BBC reporters went crazy as inspectors stumbled through the seaweed, clad in anti-nuclear armour. Within a year the horror had passed. The global mortality was put at 262, with not one death in Britain. Another fiasco was brushed under the carpet.
The Blair government, and now Brown's, have proved adept at using scare politics to divert attention from other troubles. During foot-and-mouth Blair was quick to don a yellow jumpsuit for photographers and intone as if he alone stood between an illness (that is in fact harmless to humans) and armageddon. This time the swine flu coincided with two other "mystery diseases", MRSA and C-difficile, which killed 10,000 Britons in 2007 alone. But those deaths lay squarely at the doors of unclean NHS hospitals. Hence there were no scary stories or predictions about them from Donaldson.
Donaldson and his eager virologists will doubtless stick loyally to their predictions since it is "too early to be complacent". His allies at the BBC did their bit on Wednesday with a Horizon programme that turned a serious study of virology into grotesque scaremongering, with solemn music and voices crying, "there's no escape", "this could take a devilish turn", and "we don't even know how many viruses there are!" Children writhed in agony from smallpox.
Mad scientist syndrome is rampant. Had these scares been disseminated by a private firm, a local authority or a newspaper (as was anti-MMR), they would be damned from on high with demands that heads roll. As it is, the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies sails gaily on, still graced by the presence of Sir Roy Anderson, who happens also to draw a six-figure salary as a non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline, which made hundreds of millions from the government's panic. Anderson, and GSK, vigorously deny any conflict of interest.
The Council of Europe's head of health, Wolfgang Wodarg, is one of the few who have dared blow the whistle on the links between "Big Pharma" and national and supranational agencies. He this week persuaded the council to stage a debate on the "enormous gains" made by GSK and others from the swine flu pandemic. He seeks details of relations between the companies and the WHO, given that stockpile contracts kick in the moment that organisation uses the word "pandemic". It did so for the first time last year, with reckless alacrity.
I am not aware of the WHO or the General Medical Council or any of the medical colleges investigating these matters, or any check on conflicts of interest of government doctors who work for drugs companies. I am not aware of any Whitehall or Commons committee, any National Audit Office or competition inquiry into the supply of these drugs. All I know is that a huge amount of health money, time and effort was last year diverted from possibly critical therapies into what looked from the start to be yet more terror virology.
This is why people are ever more sceptical of scientists. Why should they believe what "experts" say when they can be so wrong and with such impunity? Weapons of mass destruction, lethal viruses, nuclear radiation, global warming … why should we believe a word of it? And it is a short step from don't believe to don't care.
Swine flu was as elusive as WMD. The real threat is mad scientist syndrome
Remember the warnings of 65,000 dead? Health chiefs should admit they were wrong – yet again – about a global pandemic
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o Simon Jenkins
o guardian.co.uk, Thursday 14 January 2010 20.30 GMT
o Article history
Let me recap. Six months ago I reviewed the latest bit of terrorism to emerge from the government's Cobra bunker, courtesy of Alan Johnson, home secretary. Swine flu was allegedly ravaging the nation. The BBC was intoning nightly statistics on what "could" happen as "the deadly virus" took hold. The chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, bandied about any figure that came into his head, settling on "65,000 could die", peaking at 350 corpses a day.
Donaldson knew exactly what would happen. The media went berserk. The World Health Organisation declared a "six-level alert" so as to "prepare the world for an imminent attack". The happy-go-lucky virologist, John Oxford, said half the population could be infected, and that his lowest estimate was 6,000 dead.
The "Andromeda strain" was stalking the earth, and its first victims were clearly scientists. Drugs were frantically stockpiled and key workers identified as vital to be saved for humanity's future. Cobra alerted the army. Morgues were told to stand ready. The Green party blamed intensive pig farming. The Guardian listed "the top 10 plague books".
If anyone dared question this drivel, they were dismissed by Donaldson as "extremists". When people started reporting swine flu to be even milder than ordinary flu, he accused them of complacency and told them to "wait for next winter". He was already buying 32m masks and spending more than £1bn on Tamiflu and vaccines. Surgeries refused entry to those with flu symptoms, referring them to a government "hotline" where prescription drugs were ordered to be made available without examination or doctor's note. Who knows how many died of undiagnosed illness as a result? Lines were instantly jammed. It was pure, systematic government-induced panic – in which I accept that the media played its joyful part.
This week the authorities admitted that, far from a winter upturn in swine flu, there has been a slump. From 100,000 a week at the peak, there were just 12,000 last week. After the coldest winter for decades, when deaths might be expected to rise, the rate is below that of seasonal flu. In the UK, 360 people have died under its influence, most with prior "non-flu" conditions. Swine flu is not nice – I have had it – but bears no relation to the government hysteria.
I accept that anyone can make a mistake, and authority has some duty to err on the side of caution. As Alastair Campbell implied on Tuesday, Iraq might have had weapons of mass destruction, so Blair was right to go to war just in case. But it is reasonable to ask, as the Chilcot inquiry is doing, why precaution on such a colossal and potentially destructive scale was justified when those who questioned the need for it have since been proved right. Is anyone asking about flu?
Swine flu is not the first time we have suffered this nonsense. I have a stack of predictions by senior scientists on BSE/CJD in 1995. It would "lead to 136,000 deaths" – a spurious exactitude used to convey plausibility – and "could infect up to 10 million Britons". This led to an obscene £5bn campaign of cattle destruction and compensation. When the prediction proved wildly wrong, the government excused itself with a classic Rumsfeld-ism: "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
This was followed by Sars 2003, a "panic gripping the world". The World Health Organisation declared that "One in four Britons could die". The medical doom-monger, Dr Patrick Dixon, said that Sars had "a 25% chance of killing tens of millions", whatever that meant. The madcap Tory health spokesman, Liam Fox, demanded the arrest and quarantining of all recent travellers from Asia, including 30,000 Asian students.
In the event, some 800 people died with Sars worldwide, against 21,000 who died in Britain in the seasonal flu epidemic of 1999/2000.
Undaunted, within a year the same alarmists were at work on avian flu. With now habitual hyperbole, Donaldson predicted 50,000 deaths, with "an upper limit", graciously conceded, of 750,000. When one dead swan slumped on a beach in Scotland, BBC reporters went crazy as inspectors stumbled through the seaweed, clad in anti-nuclear armour. Within a year the horror had passed. The global mortality was put at 262, with not one death in Britain. Another fiasco was brushed under the carpet.
The Blair government, and now Brown's, have proved adept at using scare politics to divert attention from other troubles. During foot-and-mouth Blair was quick to don a yellow jumpsuit for photographers and intone as if he alone stood between an illness (that is in fact harmless to humans) and armageddon. This time the swine flu coincided with two other "mystery diseases", MRSA and C-difficile, which killed 10,000 Britons in 2007 alone. But those deaths lay squarely at the doors of unclean NHS hospitals. Hence there were no scary stories or predictions about them from Donaldson.
Donaldson and his eager virologists will doubtless stick loyally to their predictions since it is "too early to be complacent". His allies at the BBC did their bit on Wednesday with a Horizon programme that turned a serious study of virology into grotesque scaremongering, with solemn music and voices crying, "there's no escape", "this could take a devilish turn", and "we don't even know how many viruses there are!" Children writhed in agony from smallpox.
Mad scientist syndrome is rampant. Had these scares been disseminated by a private firm, a local authority or a newspaper (as was anti-MMR), they would be damned from on high with demands that heads roll. As it is, the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies sails gaily on, still graced by the presence of Sir Roy Anderson, who happens also to draw a six-figure salary as a non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline, which made hundreds of millions from the government's panic. Anderson, and GSK, vigorously deny any conflict of interest.
The Council of Europe's head of health, Wolfgang Wodarg, is one of the few who have dared blow the whistle on the links between "Big Pharma" and national and supranational agencies. He this week persuaded the council to stage a debate on the "enormous gains" made by GSK and others from the swine flu pandemic. He seeks details of relations between the companies and the WHO, given that stockpile contracts kick in the moment that organisation uses the word "pandemic". It did so for the first time last year, with reckless alacrity.
I am not aware of the WHO or the General Medical Council or any of the medical colleges investigating these matters, or any check on conflicts of interest of government doctors who work for drugs companies. I am not aware of any Whitehall or Commons committee, any National Audit Office or competition inquiry into the supply of these drugs. All I know is that a huge amount of health money, time and effort was last year diverted from possibly critical therapies into what looked from the start to be yet more terror virology.
This is why people are ever more sceptical of scientists. Why should they believe what "experts" say when they can be so wrong and with such impunity? Weapons of mass destruction, lethal viruses, nuclear radiation, global warming … why should we believe a word of it? And it is a short step from don't believe to don't care.
fredag 15. januar 2010
”To bomstarter i ettermiddag”
var nok til at jeg var fornøyd. Og svett. Og sliten. – Det var litt mye vind, muligens akkurat nok til en baklengsstart, men siden vinden vanligvis dabber av når sola er på full fart ned mot horisonten, valgte jeg forlengs. Første starten hadde gått greit om jeg ikke hadde slakket av på gassen for å kontrollere vingen. Resultat motorkutt. Andre starten ble litt slalåmløping inntil jeg så at jeg hadde kurs rett mot et fotballmål. Et trykk på stoppknappen sørget for at vingen delvis la seg over målet. Umulig å forstå hvordan linene har en tendens til å gå i floke dersom det skjer noe uventet. Fisketurer med nylonsnøre og backlash dukker plutselig opp mens jeg forsøker å få orden på flokene. Og plutselig duppet sola ned under trærne. I morgen ettermiddag blir det muligens flyging i Khorat.
torsdag 14. januar 2010
”Fatal paramotor accident in Lake Had Chomtawan in Thailand”
Last Saturday there was a fatal paramotor accident in the big lake shown on this photo. Two pilots were flying in connection with a Children’s Day arrangement on the beach some 5 kilometers away from here. I do not know what happened, but I guess the pilot who lost his life wanted to ”show off”, and then crashed in the water. The canopy was seen floating in the lake, but the boat which went out with people to help was too slow, and the pilot did not survive. The other pilot had a close encounter with a tree while showing of, but he was not injured.
Something to think about for paramotor pilots who like action close to the ground?
tirsdag 12. januar 2010
”Så på meteorogrammet, kontrollerte kjølevæsken på motoren,”
satte opp vindpølse, toppet opp tanken, bar motoren ut på idrettsplassen. Så inn for å hente skjermen. Da jeg hadde alt på plass, var vinden noe for sterk. Dessuten stod den på tvers av plassen og kom over noen 10 meter høye trær. Turbulensen fra trærne ville jeg møte under avgang. Derfor satte jeg meg ned og dyrket tvilen: Skal, skal ikke, skal, skal ikke.
Det ble skal ikke. En svett opplevelse ble det uansett. Og en velfortjent dusj. Bedre lykke en annen dag!
Det ble skal ikke. En svett opplevelse ble det uansett. Og en velfortjent dusj. Bedre lykke en annen dag!
søndag 10. januar 2010
”2108 meter”
lørdag 9. januar 2010
”PPG-tur både i går og i dag morges”
Jeg har plundret litt med startingen med den nye paraglideren. Det henger sikkert sammen med at jeg hadde lagt meg til noen uvaner. Nå regner jeg med som ganske sikkert at problemene skyldes at jeg ikke har gitt jevn gass før takeoff. Jeg har slakket litt på gassen med det resultatet at motoren stoppet idet jeg igjen ga full gass. Noen medpiloter i Khorat viste meg hvordan det skulle gjøres. Starten i går var perfekt, men i dag ble det nytt motorkutt da jeg gjentok samme feilen. Med jevn gass på andre forsøk var det null problem. Siden det var morgen og igjen var blitt ”kaldt” (alt er relativt, men det var faktisk bare litt over 20 varme), tok jeg på meg vindjakke. Da ble det behagelig sommertemperatur oppe i 900 meter. Turen i dag gikk til Soengsang og tilbake. Ny rissesong er på vei der det er mulighet for kunstvanning via kanalnettet fra en del innsjøer i omegnen. Fin tur i antydning til småtermikk når klokka begynte å nærme seg 9 på morgenen.
mandag 4. januar 2010
”Khao Ko i Phetchabun”
var et flysted jeg ville prøve i nyttårshelgen. Jeg kjente flere piloter som hadde tenkt å dra dit, men når det kom til stykke, så ble de hjemme. På forhånd hadde jeg forestilt meg høye fjell (fjellene i området går opp til over 1.800 meter), en frittliggende start på en av de høye toppene og kan hende 1.000 meter (minst) ned til landing. Området kalles for ”Switzerland noi” eller Lille Sveits, og det måtte jo ha en grunn? Bilveien opp i fjellområdet var smal og svingete.
Underveis kontaktet vi lokale piloter, og på den måten fant vi frem. Starten lå på omtrent 980 meter over havet, men ned til den nederste landingen nede ved sjøen var det neppe mer enn 200 meter.
Utpå ettermiddagen frisknet termikken til, og flyforholdene utviklet seg til termisk hang. Litt for heftig for mine startferdigheter. I tillegg var det biltrafikk på veien hvor vingene ble lagt ut. Mange folk gikk omkring på starten. Jeg safet og pakket ikke ut vingen en gang. IGJEN! Av og til, og denne gangen var ikke noe unntak, lurer jeg på om jeg er FOR forsiktig. Men den gode flyfølelsen var helt fraværende enda jeg drev intens sjelegransking for å finne den. At de 4 erfarne og dyktige pilotene hadde noen bomstarter som ikke var helt gode (de havnet noen meter ned i skråningen), gjorde meg etter hvert sikker på at det er viktig å ha en god magefølelse før start. Hvorfor presse på når det kommer nye flydager?
Hundre meter lenger ned var det imidlertid en veldig fin start hvor det var mulig å henge. En pilot landet der to ganger mens jeg var nede for å sjekke om det var mulig (for meg) å lande der. Det var noe trangt på grunn av et par luftstrekk. Skulle jeg fly der, måtte jeg lande lenger ned hvor det var mer åpent. En pilot landet der tidligere på dagen – han kom inn i svak medvind, tok en helikopterlanding og noen liner i skjermen hektet i en stolpe (bilde med skjermen på bakken nede i venstre hjørne).
Jeg skulle nok fløyet den kvelden, men hadde ikke rukket mer enn å hente skjermen, pakke den ut før det mørknet og så fly noen få minutter. Neste ettermiddag derimot….
Neste ettermiddag satte jeg meg godt til rette der nede og ventet på at termikken skulle stå jevnt inn. Så ble det plutselig bakvind. Etter å ha blundet en times tid var det fremdeles bakvind, og dagen ble ”kansellert”.
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