tirsdag 29. april 2014

”Vår aksiomatiske og problematiske virkelighet”

Et aksiom er en grunnsetning som aksepteres uten bevis enten den er alment akseptert eller den er selvinnlysende.
Postulatet er nær beslektet. I filosofisk forstand er aksiomet og postulatet identiske.
Se helt til slutt mer om hva et postulat og et aksiom er. 

Filosofisk og logisk er det uproblematisk at man starter med en påstand som ikke kan bevises, men likevel godtas som ”sann”. Ingen skade skjer om slutninger og tolkninger blir feil fordi utgangspunkter er galt. Vel og merke dersom man ikke anvender de gale slutningene og tolkningene på virkeligheten.

Opererer man derimot i forhold til virkeligheten, kan det bære helt galt av sted dersom man godtar aksiomer og postulater som sanne bare fordi de er ”allment aksepterte” eller ”selvinnlysende”. Eksempler på dette er legio (eller mange på godt norsk) og alt for tallrike til å ramses opp.

 Legevitenskapen og lignende disipliner vrimler for eksempel av slike feil. Det er jo helt utrolig at man en gang trodde at blader som hadde nyreform, var effektive mot nyreplager? Ginsengroten som rett som det er har form av et menneske med hode armer og ben, er den dag i dag kjent for å virke mot ”alt”. Også i 2014.

Politikk og religion som bygger på grunnsetninger som er ”allment aksepterte” og ”selvinnlysende” har en tendens til å rote til det meste på sørgerlig vis.

Nå er det også slik at skulle vi vente på å finne den endelige sannhet før vi handlet, ville det være svært lite vi kunne gjøre. Det er vår aksiomatiske virkelighet: Vi handler før vi vet konsekvensene av handlingene våre og blir svært ofte ofre for Murphy’s lov: Alt som kan gå galt, går galt. Det er nok ikke uten grunn at den beste form for klokskap er etterpåklokskapen; hva var det jeg sa??? For ikke å snakke om skadefryden som for mange hører til de store gledene i livet.

Man burde forvente en større ydmykhet og vilje til å endre kurs når ting begynner å gå galt. Det hjelper ikke å ha vært i god tro når man faktisk burde ha sjekket om de selvinnlysende sannhetene faktisk var sanne annet enn som utgangspunkt for filosofisk diskurs.

Helt til slutt (til oppmuntring eller det motsatte) kommer Atle med sin private definisjon av hva ”en troende” er:

"En troende er en person som er troende til litt av hvert, for ikke å si det meste."

Ifølge bokmålsordboka på nettet er dette hva et postulat er:
postulat n1, n3 (fra lat av postulare 'fordre')
1 ubevist påstand
teorien er et rent p-
2 filos: læresetning som ikke kan bevises, men som likevel må forutsettes

aksiom n1, n3 (fra gr) selvinnlysende grunnsetning som godtas uten bevis, f eks i matematikk og logikk


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Et aksiom (gr. ἀξίωμα, aksioma, «grunnsetning») er en grunnsetning som aksepteres uten bevis, enten den er allment akseptert eller den er selvinnlysende sann. Innenfor epistemologien (filosofi) er den selvinnlysende sann, mens den ikke trenger være det i matematikken.

Aksiomets filosofiske verdi

Det å oppnå en garantert sann konklusjon i et deduktivt argument krever både at argumentet er gyldig og at premissene er sanne. Men prosedyren for å bestemme at premisset er sant er mye mindre presist enn prosedyren for å bestemme at argumentet er gyldig.
På grunn av denne upresisheten er aksiomet nyttig som filosofisk redskap. Aksiomet er et utsagn som opptrer som en spesiell type premiss i et bestemt rasjonelt system. Aksiomatiske system ble først formalisert av den greske matematikeren Euklid av Alexandria i hans berømte verk «Elementene» (300 f.Kr.).
Aksiomer forstås som de grunnleggende elementer i slike system, og trenger ikke noen rettferdiggjørelse – i alle fall innenfor systemene. Ved å starte med et sett aksiomer kan man så utlede (og bevise) teoremer ved hjelp av logiske slutninger. Slik kan man bygge opp et aksiomatisk system i tråd med Aristoteles sitt vitenskapsideal. Et fremragende eksempel på dette er matematikken.
Gyldigheten av det aksiomatiske systemet blir avgjort av om det er konsistent. Det innebærer at aksiomene ikke kan inneholde selvmotsigelser, verken direkte eller mer vanskelig tilgjengelige.


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This article is about logical propositions. For other uses, see Axiom (disambiguation).
"Postulation" redirects here. For the term in algebraic geometry, see Postulation (algebraic geometry).
An axiom, or postulate, is a premise or starting point of reasoning. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy.[1] The word comes from the Greek ἀξίωμα (āxīoma) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.'[2][3] As used in modern logic, an axiom is simply a premise or starting point for reasoning.[4] Axioms define and delimit the realm of analysis; the relative truth of an axiom is taken for granted within the particular domain of analysis, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other relative truths. No explicit view regarding the absolute truth of axioms is ever taken in the context of modern mathematics, as such a thing is considered to be an irrelevant and impossible contradiction in terms.
In mathematics, the term axiom is used in two related but distinguishable senses: "logical axioms" and "non-logical axioms". Logical axioms are usually statements that are taken to be true within the system of logic they define (e.g., (A and B) implies A), while non-logical axioms (e.g., a + b = b + a) are actually defining properties for the domain of a specific mathematical theory (such as arithmetic). When used in the latter sense, "axiom," "postulate", and "assumption" may be used interchangeably. In general, a non-logical axiom is not a self-evident truth, but rather a formal logical expression used in deduction to build a mathematical theory. As modern mathematics admits multiple, equally "true" systems of logic, precisely the same thing must be said for logical axioms - they both define and are specific to the particular system of logic that is being invoked. To axiomatize a system of knowledge is to show that its claims can be derived from a small, well-understood set of sentences (the axioms). There are typically multiple ways to axiomatize a given mathematical domain.
In both senses, an axiom is any mathematical statement that serves as a starting point from which other statements are logically derived. Within the system they define, axioms (unless redundant) cannot be derived by principles of deduction, nor are they demonstrable by mathematical proofs, simply because they are starting points; there is nothing else from which they logically follow otherwise they would be classified as theorems. However, an axiom in one system may be a theorem in another, and vice versa.

”Almost 160 km from Khao Sadao last weekend”

Lots of pilots on takeoff at Thailand’s number one cross country flying site. As for myself I got 8 flights in four days. Tomorrow we go to Sattahip for more flying; there is a paraglider competition from May 1.

”Political and religious imbecility”

Everyone knows that 1+1=2. Incantations, prayers, and threats can never make 1+1=3. You can believe it is so, but that is solely your personal belief. If millions of people believe it is so, still it is only a belief. Nothing can change that fact.

Land’s End you will find many places in this world. The Catholic Church burnt people who said that the Earth was not the center of the known world. Protestants burnt witches in many countries following religous laws based on belief. Muslims were no better.

The French Revolution in 1789 drowned in blood and petered out to almost nothing, except the meter and the metric system. Communism has transformed to its own antidote; its most ardent believers are those who profit economically and in other ways.

In Norway the Christian belief was imposed some 1000 years ago by force. Now it is up to you what to believe. The result is that less than 10 % of the population are true believers according to some definitions.
When the American President is inaugurated he puts his hand on the Bible and utters the incantations ”so help med God”. As a belief is only about believing Atle has no comments…

Only one: Would you trust people who believe that 1+1=3?

søndag 20. april 2014

"Varmt og lite vind på Khao Sadao"

pluss overutvikling hver eneste dag fra 11. til 17. april. Det ble derfor kun to flyturer i perioden. Startvinduet var som regel svært kort midt på dagen. Stort sett noe vind først på dagen, men ofte ikke nok til baklengsstart. Deretter ble det bakvind når termikken løsnet ute på flatlandet. Så vokste skyene til de helt store høyder og det begynte å tordne rundt omkring.

En pilot "topplandet" i et tre 10 meter over bakken i svært bratt terreng. Der satt han godt; føttene tok nedi tretoppen først og så la skjermen seg over hele tretoppen. Det tok lang tid å få skjermen ned; masse liner og mye greiner.

Blir vel ny tur om ikke lenge.

mandag 7. april 2014

"Soon Songkhran (Thai New Year) from Friday; I want to fly from Khao Sadao)"

So far the wind looks promising. The air is extremely unstable. There will probably be many pilots. And the grass on the takeoff needs some trimming...

"Thai soap - amazing Thailand"

Read for yourself:

Suthep Will Ask HM King To Appoint Himself As Coup Leader 


Mr. Suthep delivered the comment yesterday at the People's Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) rally stage in Bangkok's Lumpini Park.

At the rally, which was billed as a "big fight" against the government, Mr. Suthep outlined strategies for PCAD supporters in their campaign to remove Ms. Yingluck from her caretaker position, explaining that all PCAD local networks should gather list of their members across the country and "wait for the day of battle".

"When I blow the whistle, all of these members must be present," Mr. Suthep told the crowd, "Bring out all the healthy persons, so we can embark on a prolonged fight, for at least 15 days".

Mr. Suthep said two events would be critical to the PCAD's ultimate fight against Ms. Yingluck: the conclusion of the corruption case conducted by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on Ms. Yingluck, and the verdict by the Constitutional Court which would determine whether she violated the 2007 Constitution by removing a hostile official from the seat of National Security Council director.

If the NACC ruled that Ms. Yingluck ran afoul of corruption laws, Mr. Suthep said, the PCAD supporters should stay in their position and wait for his future orders; however, a guilty verdict by the Constitutional Court - which will automatically remove Ms Yingluck from her position - would be met by an instant mobilisation from Mr. Suthep's nationwide network.

"We will immediately march on that day!" Mr. Suthep, "We will occupy Thailand so the sovereign power shall truly belong to the people"

Mr. Suthep elaborated further that he would then install himself as the "Sovereign Body" who will wield absolute power via numerous "Revolutionary Decrees" and adoption of a single charter provision as a legislative blank cheque - in the same manner of military dictators in 1960s, such as the notorious Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat.

"We will have something like Article 17 [of 1959 Administrative Charter] as the highest law," Mr. Suthep said, referring to the charter article which allowed Field Marshal Sarit to fight suspected Communist threats by all means, "[i] will be able to order anyone to be executed by firing squad, but I will only freeze assets".

He continued, "As a Sovereign Body who has seized power, I will have the power to appoint Prime Minister and Cabinet members at my own discretion. Then I will present this list to His Majesty the King, so that he can approve them as the People's Government".

Once His Majesty the King signed his approval for the "people's coup", Mr. Suthep said, he will proceed to appoint National Legislative Assemby and "People's Council" as two unelected legislative bodies to engage in "reforms" for Thailand.

He promises to return the power to the people once the "reforms" are completed, but warned that he would mobilise his supporters onto the streets if the government he had appointed "failed to perform its duties" as assigned by the PCAD.

Mr. Suthep's speech, which drew loud and long cheers from his supporters, is the first instance in which he clearly outlined the procedures to achieve his dubious goals of installing "People's Council" and "reforming Thailand"; Mr. Suthep and his core supporters have refused to elaborate on those terms in previous media appearances and interviews.

The remark also attracts concerns from a number of observers who fear that Mr. Suthep's plan would require His Majesty the King, who had remained largely silent on the current round of political crisis, to visibly take side and even violate the national constitution in the process.

Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that millions of pro-government supporters in the north and northeast will quietly accept Mr. Suthep's effort to remove their elected government.

In a separate mass rally in Nakorn Pathom province yesterday, Redshirts leader Jatupon Prompan insisted that the Redshirts are willing to fight for Ms. Yingluck, and ominously warned that a "civil war" could break out of Ms. Yingluck is removed by undemocratic ways.

Mr. Suthep might have already prepared for such a scenario, however. In his speech yesterday, he also urged his supporters to be ready for prolonged rally in Bangkok for over 2 weeks in order to "deter" any opponents who would march into Bangkok and challenge his status as the Sovereign Body.


Dems can play saviour role: Abhisit


fredag 4. april 2014

”Juridisk kupp i Thailand?”

Det kan se ut som om et juridisk kupp er under oppseiling i Thailand. Konsitusjonsdomstolen (alle medlemmene ble utnevnt av de militære kuppmakerne fra 2006!) styrer mot urent farvann sammen med en rekke såkalt ”uavhengige” komiteer og utvalg.

Det er bare å følge med i denne utrolige politiske såpeoperaen som kan ende med nesten hva som helst. En ting er sikkert: Det som skjer nå, er i ferd med å skape dype sår som det vil ta tiår å lege.

torsdag 3. april 2014

”8 flights from Khao Sadao”

The wind was from southerly directions all five days, sometimes too much, sometimes too little.

The special thing about the wind at Khao Sadao is the regularity of it. In nighttime the wind is usually much stronger than in daytime. The strong wind, but less strong than in the night, very often lasts till the thermals start to come. If the wind is strong till noon the thermals might be strong, too, making it difficult to take off with a paraglider. You have to wait for a pause between the thermals.

If the wind is five meters a second or less in the morning a possible scenario is that the wind and thermals slow down and you can have a tailwind. In conditions like these you should take off as soon as possible, Then you can stay along the ridge waiting for the thermals.

When the clouds start to pop up make ready for takeoff. Much sooner than you think the wind can slow down and you will have a tailwind the rest of the day.

When you are high enough you should look for thermals  not only along the ridge. Go out on the flatlands or behind the ridge.

The days we were at Khao Sadao it was very hot, sometimes 41 degrees in the middle of the day.

On Tuesday it was very hot. Not too much wind in the nighttime, and the same in the morning. Around 11.30 the wind slowed down. We had to wait for wind to make a reverse takeoff. It was not a piece of cake to get up. You had to take what you got and be careful and turn in lift all the time. The clouds were growing extremely fast. I centered a good and wide thermal which speeded up the higher I got. At 1500 meters the lift was at 6 m a second with a peak of 8 m. Above my head the cumulus cloud was growin in size and blackness. A cloud street pointed towards Chok Chai, my first destination on the way to Suntinimit, more than 120 kilometers away. I had to pass another big cloud to reach the cloud street. As the two clouds might grow together into one and suck me up, I decided to go to the right when I was at about 1850 m asl. From there I saw that there were quite a few high clouds on the way. Some of them would probably give heavy rain later. So I decided to go for a landing as it would not be easy to see what happened up there due to haze in the air. I think that was a good decision at that time of the day. A peak of 8 m a second is quite much 500 m under cloud base. That cloud really sucked!

When we were there pilots from different countries were flying, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, Thailand, Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway.

Khao Sadao is a great place for flying, and for sure the best flying site in Thailand.

One day after flying Bengt and I went up on the right (north) side of Khao Phrik. We parked the car at the wat and followed the blue plastic water pipe up to some big steel tanks. From there we followed a black water pipe further up. When that pipe ended we turned slightly to the left up e steep hillside. We marked the our trail with red strings. When we came to a place with much grass we saw that around here it could be possible to make a new takeoff. Higher up there was tall grass up to the tree line. Not too much work to clean the area and not too many trees to cut down. 10 to 15 minutes walk up to takeoff when bushes were cut. Too much work for the two of us. But I guess that 10 people could do all the work in one day. This takeoff needs wind from E, ENE.

However, there is an old takeoff to the north at the other end of Khao Sadao. One problem here is that there is a locked gate so that you for the time being cannot drive by car  to this takeoff. From the air it does not seem to be many trees to cut down. Bengt and I will have a look here later some time.

If there are takeoffs to the north and south this will be one of the best flying sites in South East Asia. It is possible to fly many hundred kilometers if the conditions are favourable.