torsdag 25. april 2013
”Ready for take off at Khao Sadao”
onsdag 24. april 2013
”Flittige maur på Khao Sadao”
Mens PG-folket har blikket rettet oppover, er andre opptatt
av mer jordnære ting. Ganske sikkert en del arbeid med å lage dette lille
Hva slags sted hadde verden vært uten maur og termitter av
ulike slag? I Bangkok er maurene over alt, selv oppe i de høyeste bygninger.
tirsdag 23. april 2013
The banks and governments in many countries are loading
their selfcreated problems onto people who are pushed into poverty and
They use raw power to supress ordinary people while securing
huge benefits for the banks and rich people who should have enough from before.
Isn’t it time that people start to show counter-power? As
Spanish labour unions did not too long ago when they supported sacking of
shopping malls?
Sure organized theft is illegal. But isn’t the organized
theft of money which we see in Cyprus, Russia, the socalled ”Communist” China
(just to mention a few countries) equally illegal? At least morally?
Organized large scale theft is one way of showing the power
of the people. Another way is organized withdrawal of deposits in banks and
financial institutions.
Just to show who has the REAL power in the world.
Lenin is dead, Stalin is dead, Mao is dead. Thank God, Allah
etc (if there is any) for this.
But that does not mean that the freeway is open for
capitalism’s free speeding as we see in many countries.
mandag 22. april 2013
”Great expectations at Khao Sadao”
and many pilots from Thailand, Australia, Germany, Sweden,
and Norway. Everybody got nice flights. However, nobody managed to beat the
cross country flight of more than 160 km from Khao Sadao to Khon Kaen from some
weeks ago.
There was much wind in the evening from about 5 p.m. and all
night to 10 a.m. In daytime the wind was changing in strength and direction. I
had a nice evening flight after 5 p.m. on Saturday. There was lift everywhere
and it went up with one meter a second all the time. The air and I were rising,
and the sun was setting. A fairly black, but not threatening, cloud was above
our heads. Every minute the sun grew redder, and soon there was an epidemic of
big ears. Everybody wanted to get down before dark. I checked my watch; still
half an hour before I had to land. At about 1.100 m asl the vario showed more
than one meter a second.
Now there were multiple choices concerning landing. The golf
course? The green fields of the agricultural college far away? The main landing
where everybody else went? Top landing?
I decided to go for a top landing, pulled big ears, speed
bar to the bottom and went for Khao Phrik. Slowly I descended. In case it was
to much lift to topland I had 15 minutes to go to get down on the main landing.
A very relaxing flight in smooth conditions.
torsdag 18. april 2013
”Believe it or not!!!!
On the way from Ko Chang to Ko Kud we stopped at Ko Mak. We
had to wait for the boat to Ko kud, and I had time for a stroll in the rubber
forest. Surprise, surprise! A beautiful
lady was standing close to the road cutting rubber. Could I believe my own
eyes? I had to look twice before I hurried back to the pier.
Then it dawned upon me why one man in the boat crew had all
those strange things dingledangling from his waist. I saw one small boat
fleeing the island, but there was no room for an extra person even if I wanted
to join them. I think I understood why they went away that fast…
”Funfly at Khao Sadao”
this weekend. Songkhran is finished – the pilots staying at take off during that weekend did not get much time airborne.
This weekend the wind looks more favourable, but we will
have to see. At least Bengt and I will go, and probably pilots from Bangkok.
Now it is possible to fly in the training hill close to the landing with
paraglider and hangglider. To acess the takeoff area now by car or motorbike
you need a key. Contact local pilots about this.
mandag 8. april 2013
”Cats and dogs”
What happened to this cat or this smelling carcass of half a
cat I do not know. Still I have an inkling of a guess. As I have for the dozens
of smelling carcasses of chicken which my nose has detected during the last
year. As there are lots of other dogs around I do not know who is the culprit.
søndag 7. april 2013
”Lurvete forhold på Khao Sadao”
Kom på fredag ettermiddag. Da hadde Philippe og Bengt
allerede fløyet en kort tur. Phillippe hadde gått opp lia etter bilen og var
ganske så svett. Vinden var litt av og på senere på dagen. Omsider gjorde vi
oss klare. De to første måtte ned og lande etter kort tid. Da jeg var klar til
start som sistemann, var det bare så vidt det pustet på. Deretter ble det
bakvind som rullet sammen vingen helt til føttene mine. Har aldri opplevd at
vinden ”ferdigpakket” vingen før. Da var det bare å fortsette pakkingen sammen
og begynne å sette opp teltet.
Lørdag var det mye vind. Noen få piloter forsøkte seg, men
det var lurvete forhold med vind fra vest. Senere på dagen roet det seg ned.
Noen pust gjorde at tre piloter kom seg ut mens det skiftet mellom bakvind,
sidevind og litt trekk inn. En dustdevil hadde det travelt på takeoff et
øyeblikk eller to. Godt over 40 grader i skyggen på takeoff etter 12. Litt før
18 var det 39 grader…
Natt til søndag var det mye vind fra sydlig retning og mye
svetting for 10-15 piloter som lå i telt på starten. På morgenen stilnet vinden
og det ble bakvind fra nord. Det var bare å dra hjem.
torsdag 4. april 2013
”160+ km from Khao Sadao last weekend”
This weekend I guess there will be lots of pilots around. I
am going on Friday probably sleeping in tent on the take off.
tirsdag 2. april 2013
”Who was Orion?”
Who was Orion? ”Orion's current name derives from Greek mythology, in which Orion was a gigantic hunter of primordial times.[9] Some of these myths relate to the constellation; one story tells that Orion was killed by a giant scorpion; the gods raised him and the Scorpion to the skies, as Scorpio/Scorpius. Yet other stories say Orion was chasing the Pleiades.[10]
The constellation is mentioned in Horace's Odes (Ode 3.27.18), Homer's Odyssey (Book 5, line 283) and Iliad, and Virgil's Aeneid (Book 1, line 535)
You will find more about Orion here:
”The legend of Orion was first told in full in a lost work by Hesiod, probably the Astronomia; simple references to Hesiod will refer to this, unless otherwise stated. This version is known through the work of a Hellenistic author on the constellations; he gives a fairly long summary of Hesiod's discourse on Orion.[6] According to this version, Orion was likely the son of the sea-god Poseidon and Euryale,[7] daughter of Minos, King of Crete. Orion could walk on the waves because of his father; he walked to the island of Chios where he got drunk and attacked Merope,[8] daughter of Oenopion, the ruler there. In vengeance, Oenopion blinded Orion and drove him away. Orion stumbled to Lemnos where Hephaestus — the lame smith-god — had his forge. Hephaestus told his servant, Cedalion, to guide Orion to the uttermost East where Helios, the Sun, healed him; Orion carried Cedalion around on his shoulders. Orion returned to Chios to punish Oenopion, but the king hid away underground and escaped Orion's wrath. Orion's next journey took him to Crete where he hunted with the goddess Artemis and her mother Leto, and in the course of the hunt, threatened to kill every beast on Earth. Mother Earth objected and sent a giant scorpion to kill Orion. The creature succeeded, and after his death, the goddesses asked Zeus to place Orion among the constellations. Zeus consented and, as a memorial to the hero's death, added the Scorpion to the heavens as well.[9]”
Probably Orion did not exist, but the myth exists as does the constellation in the sky.
The night was quiet, only sounds from sicadas, occasional owls and gekkos. I closed my eyes and continued pondering: Who am I?
Before I fell asleep.
mandag 1. april 2013
”Forsvarsbygg Skifte Eiendom selger forsvarsanlegg til Kina!”
Ad omveier har Atle fått nyss i at kystfestninger og andre forsvarsanlegg som var viktige under den kalde krigen nå går unna for en slikk og ingen ting til en rekke stråselskaper som har forbindelser til Folkerepublikken Kina. Nå kan ikke Atle sitte stille lenger uten å si noe. Hvor er for eksempel PST? Er de så opptatt av å lete etter terrorister rundt i verden at de ikke ser det som foregår i egen bakgård?
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