lørdag 30. november 2013

”Thailand - what is going on for the time being?”

There are demonstrations in Bangkok to topple the Thai government.
Here are some facts although to know what are the facts is difficult to know in the political maze that is Thailand just now.

In 2001 the Consitutional Court ruled that Thaksin was OK, no big problems

In 2006 the democratically elected prime minister, Thaksin, was ousted in a military coup after the Constitutional Court ruled that the elections were not valid very much instigated by the Democrats and the yellow shirts. Shortly after there was a snap elections which Thaksin won once again. Then the army took power.

Short about the Democrats: The Democrats are no more Democrats than the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische  Deutsche Arbeiterpartei led by Adolph Hitler) was a party for the German working class. The socalled Democrats want to keep a senate with almost as many ”appointed” members as elected members. The Democrats have also talked about  a national assembly/parliament made of a minority of elected members and a majority of ”appointed” members. See also http://world.time.com/2013/11/28/thailands-democrat-party-is-hilariously-misnamed/

After the military coup Thaksin was accused and sentenced in absentia for corruption by a court that probably was biased. Why did not the  Constitutional Court accuse and sentence him in 2001while he was in power if he did wrong? The army/the Constitutional Court made a big mistake here which is one of the reasons of the problems Thailand experince just now.

The army and their collaborators made a new constitution in 2007. See http://www.asianlii.org/th/legis/const/2007/1.html for the unofficial translation. The perpetrators in the army secured that they should not be indicted before there were elections for the parliament in 2008.

Thai rak Thai, the party of the Thaksin side, was abolished by the army and the Constitutional court. They changed their name and won the general elections. The Democrats lost and together with the yellow shirts instigated occupation of the airports in Bangkok and Phuket. The elected prime minister had to resign because he made food on a state TV channel and was paid for it according to the ruling of the Constitutional Court. A new prime minister was appointed, but he and a lot av other members of the government and the nattional assembly had to finish because the Constitutional Court ruled that they were corrupt.

Then the road was open for a Democrat government with Abhisit as prime minister. He was not elected but became prime minister due to scheming by the army, the rich and powerful and the Constitutional Court.

In 2010 there were riots in Bangkok and about 100 people were killed by the army or other gunmen, maybe from both sides.

In 2011 there were new democratic elections and Yingluck, Thaksins sister, was appointed new prime minister. In an effort to solve the political rift the ruling side tried to get a socalled blanket amnesty through in parliament. This is opposed by the Democrats who do not want Thaksin to come back to Thailand. The blanket amnesty has been withdrawn by the ruling party. The proposal to make the Senate a hundred per cent elected essembly has not been withdrawn. The Constitutional Court ruled that the the proposal about the Senate was unconstitutional. The ruling party is of the opinion that this is not a case for the Constitutional Court.

More info on  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24997184 - this is a short abstract:
”In few other countries have a handful of judges played such a decisive role in reshaping politics as those sitting in Thailand's Constitutional Court.
In 2001 they refused to disbar newly-elected Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra from office, despite strong evidence he had broken rules on disclosing his assets.
In 2006, seemingly prompted by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, they annulled the third election won by Mr Thaksin, a decision that led eventually to the 2006 coup. In 2007 they dissolved Mr Thaksin's party. In 2008 they ousted two prime ministers allied to him, and banned the party again.
Today, they stepped back from this role, rejecting a request to dissolve his party for a third time. Thailand was spared a descent into another crisis.
But the concept of overt judicial intervention was on full display. Presiding judge Charoon Inthachan delivered a withering denunciation of the way the governing Pheu Thai party had pushed the proposed Senate changes through parliament. He warned the government against using its majority to abuse its power.
And by citing Article 68 of the constitution, he effectively outlawed any attempt by an elected government to change a charter that was drafted under military rule, following the coup.”

Article 68 says among other things this: 2 Section 68. No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution.”  (translation of Constitution mentioned above)

The important thing to remember is that the existing constitution is made by the army in 2007. This constitution can be viewed as illegal as it was not made by the democratically elected representatives in the national assembly. It is easy to understand that many do not respect the rulings of the Constitutional Court and see them as puppets of the army, the Democrats and the yellow shirts.

The Constitutional Court works on finding out if what is going on in Bangkok now is against Section 68. Sunday December 1 is made ”Victory Day” by the demonstrators. It remains to be seen what kind of victory.

mandag 25. november 2013

”A MAZE in Thailand!”

or amazing Thailand as they say.

What ways there are out of Thailand’s political labyrinth (maze) remains to be seen.

fredag 22. november 2013

”Soon Phu Thap Boek 1.768 m asl”

I guess we are leaving for Phetchabun on December 4. There will be some kind of paragliding competition there, too. According to Bengt it is quite cold up in the mountains. Better brace for winter although it is rather like a nice summer’s day in Norway. I look forward to some good flying together with local and international friends.

tirsdag 19. november 2013

”Looking into space millions and billions of years ago”

is not possible using only our eyes. Still we can see images of remote galalaxies. (Photo) But where is the galaxy which started to send out its light 10 billion years ago? Does it exist now or not? We (if our species Homo Sapiens Sapiens exists in the form we know) will know 10 billion years into the future.

Facing eternity what is important in life? Remote galaxies? No. Global warming? No. The latest version of iPhone? No.

Facing eternity is there anything as important as your family and people close to you? No.

mandag 18. november 2013

”Men han har jo ikke noe på seg! - Fra Keiserens nye klær av H. C. Andersen”

Om rødvin kan meget sies. Det meste blir sagt ovenfor og nedenfor!

”Krydret plommefrukt med mørke bær, kaffe og friske urter på duft. Masse mørke og syrlige bær på smak med nydelig konsentrasjon og polerte modne tanniner. Lang balansert utgang.

Frisk duft med urter, syrlige bær, ferskt kjøtt og teblader med streif av tre. Saftig frukt i inngang med silkemyk konsentrasjon og moden lett tanninstruktur. Uhyre balansert utgang som sitter lenge.

Moden og elegant rød steinfrukt med nøtter og tørkede urter på duft, med streif av treverk. Stram moden frukt på smak med nydelig konsentrasjon og lange finkornede tanniner og flott syre i utgang.

Dufter av nøtter, mørke bær, lær og fatkrydder med streif av skogbunn. Strukturert smak med konsentrert frukt og stramme modne tanniner i utgang.

Tørket frukt og underskog på duft med innslag av rått kjøtt og eik. Slank og stram frukt på smak med mineraler og lette lange tanniner i utgang.”

- Dette var greier, synes Atle som begynner å mimre om en gresk Retsinavin han kjøpte på Vinmonopolet den gang Vinmonopolet driftet både innkjøp og salg: ”Inngangen var noe brå med en duft av gravkammer med streif av mugg på tungen. Rullering av vinen i munnhulen  etterlot en definert duft av fettlær og seljebark pluss muggen kork.” Vinen ble returnert til Vinmonopolet som udrikkelig og byttet i en tysk Rieslingvin som faktisk smakte GODT.

Hva har forresten vin og brennevin med helse og omsorg å gjøre? Undres Atle.

torsdag 14. november 2013

"Khao Sadao"

A flight lasting only a few minutes. The landing needs some grass cutting. Back on top
the wind had slowed down, and later there was a tail wind. Bengt and I cut some more grass and bushes at take off. The weather forecast for the next week is steady wind from northerly directions.

”Må vi ta kosttilskudd for å få maksimal effekt av trening?”

er spørsmålet i en artikkel på http://www.forskning.no/blog/loland/372477

Svaret er NEI dersom du har et normalt og variert kosthold. Dessverre for produsentene av vitaminpiller og kosttilskudd. Heldigvis blir de reddet av at de fleste av oss nå tilhører arten homo imbecillus og liker å stille oss i kø dersom vi ser en. ”Sauer er ålreite dyr”; det kan bare skyldes at de ligner så mye på oss.

søndag 10. november 2013

”Hva er hat?”

og lurer på hva ”hat” egentlig er. Han gidder ikke en gang lese den lille artikkelen i Dagbladets nettutgave.

For hva er handler det om når vi bruker så sterke ord om helt dagligdagse ting? Er det mulig å gå uanfektet gjennom livet når du skal forholde deg til ”hatkamper” i fotball og det meste av dagligdagse hendelser blåses opp til katastrofer?

Ser du for eksempel på Discovery Channel så er det en skriking og huing og en stemmebruk som indikerer noe helt annet enn at det bare er en metemark som krysser stien foran reporteren. Stor underholdning, riktignok, men ganske malplassert stemmebruk og ordvalg.

Er det noe rart at alle katastrofescenariene som trekkes frem i hytt og pine, til slutt ikke er til troende, elle rett og slett blir et spørsmål om tro og følelser?

Atle ”hater”alt dette liksomhysteriet i media, men har egentlig problemer med å forstå hva ”hat” egentlig er. 

Kan du hjelpe ham?

fredag 8. november 2013

”Lisens for å løpe! - men ikke i Atles løpkarusell”

Der er alt HELT gratis! Ikke som i Norge. Se http://www.dn.no/dnaktiv/article2712798.ece . I tillegg kan han garantere sol og varme (minst 30 grader i skyggen HELE  året). Det er bare å møte opp på startstreken. Tidspunktet er rett som det er, men det er greit om du sier fra på forhånd om du kommer- Da kan starttidspunktet fremskyndes eller utsettes. Greit?

”Southerly winds at Khao Sadao on Monday and Tuesday?”

There might be some change of winds after the weekend. Not very much wind, but it might be possible to fly from Khao Sadao. If not Khao Phrik is an option. Bengt will be there. If it is not flyable we can cut some more bushes on take off.

søndag 3. november 2013

”Adventurous groundhandling with my Adventure paraglider”

My Gradient Bright 3 would appreciate that it stays safe and sound in Norway when conditions are like this. Up and down. Sideways in all directions. Collapses all around the glider. In the end it was more interesting watching the butterflies coping with the wind.

fredag 1. november 2013

”Good Advice for Everything 4 – Building in Modules”

Atle has heard that quite a lot of people talk about saving the environment, recycling etc. However, when he has to go shopping (which he really does not like), he has to buy new things all the time. Why can’t he buy the modules which do not work? Because most of the things we buy are not made in modules.

If you want to change your toothbrush, why not only buy the brush and click it onto the the handle? If you want to upgrade your computer why not only buy the modules you want to change and click them in place.

The idea is feasible. Just think of all the products which might be assembled in modules that can be changed for new modules instead of buying everything brand new.

If you think this was a good idea you can donate some money to Atle. On request he will give you the number of his bank account.