I kind of felt no good when this nice green fellow settled on my shirt. Playing the fiddle is something the male grasshoppers use to do. This female, however, had some magnificent enormous jaws.
Still I guess we could be friends, both of us flying up there. So I carefully removed the grasshopper to a better habitat.
When flying away my desire to fly was aroused. The evening arrived, and a smooth breeze caressed my hair as I was reading a book. Yes, the direction was very good, SSE. 15 minutes later I was airborne. Although there was almost no wind in the sports field, there was much more up there, but the wind was very smooth. 27 km an hour upwind and 63 km downwind. I did the easy thing first, followed the wind towards Satakean and Soengsang. A few days ago a man working at the bus station in Soengsang wondered why he had not seen me for a long time, so I circled over Soengsang.
Almost all the paddies around were watersoaked, glittering in the evening sun. Due to heavy rains in the rainy season (floodings in Bangkok and other parts of Thailand) the water reservoirs are full. Down there lots of people were working, reminding me that there is hard work to fill a rice bowl. Grey and black smoke were drifting from burning sugar canes showing me the wind direction. The other day I cut some sugar myself and was impressed by how many ants that lived sheltered by the dead leaves on each cane.
To the west there was thick, almost black clouds, but no rain as far as I could see. Motor idling the sink increased to about two meters a second. Controlling the throttle above the tree tops, breaking to have a smooth touchdown, rolling some meters and switching off the motor. And there they were, a bunch of small excited children.