fredag 23. mars 2012

”Attack on religion, atheism and political beliefs”

phenomenons that all have in common that they are about believing.

What believing is about is BELIEVING. .Nothing can change that fact. Beautifully ornamented religious or political buildings are there to impress us, make us feel the omnipotent power of the belief.

Still believing is believing, and has nothing to do with what is true. When beliefs stop to be beliefs and take on the vestige of absolute belief/truth the bells toll for people like you and me.

People in Christian Europe, communist China and Russia, Muslim and Hindu countries have reaped the bloody fruits of belief.

When political leaders in the USA, in Iran, just to mention two nations, officially say that they believe, we all have reason to question their sanity. Are they fit to have that much power?

My answer is NO, NO and NO one more time.

Religion is for the personal sphere. Nobody should force or use pressure on others to make them believe. If I choose to worship a tree, a mountain, God, Allah or whatever that is MY thing and ONLY my thing.

Religious people talk about blasphemy. The worst form of blasphemy is when believers take action against citizens who officially declare that they do not believe or use defamatory expressions against a specific religion. When ignorant, insane believers suddenly put themselves in God’s or Allah’s place, that is REAL blasphemy. Wherever this happens – in the USA, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Afghanistan, Norway.

These believers use power, they kill and molest, put disbelievers in jail, and nobody (e.g. UN) reacts by using counterpower.

I feel sorry for the human race that will have to live with this religious and political insanity for a long, long time.

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