tirsdag 22. februar 2011

”Weekend at Khao Sadao”

Three days and five flights from Khao Sadao. The temperature in the middle of the day was between 35 and 40 centigrades. Very hot! Some pilots found good thermals. As for me I did not get very high. It seems to me that the thermals here in the tropics (15 degrees latitude) at this time of the year are very different from a typical day in Norway.

If there are conditions for a reverse launch in the morning hours, this changes later on. The thermals kind of kill the the thermal cycles when the thermals start to go up from the flatlands. Quite often the wind starts to come frcm behind. The hillside just outside the launch is very steep, but is not heated by the sun which is right above our heads. In the evening the conditions can be almost the same as in the morning if there is no change in the strength of the wind.

Almost nil wind at the launch gives wind from behind. Much wind makes the thermals pretty rough in the middle of the day. The clue is to choose the right time for launching, get up, and wait for the thermals from the flatlands. Probably you have to go out from the hillside and try and find the thermals out there on the flatlands.

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