onsdag 25. august 2010

”Adolf Hitler and paragliding”

Is there any connection? No and yes.

The other day I posted a kind of weird text postulating that Hitler was still alive in Europe.

Today I was doing some groundhandling with my Adventure paraglider. As usual it was quite turbulent. The thermals were kicking like wild horses all around. Sometimes I was lifted 1-2 meters up from the ground. Other times the wing experienced major collapses of every kind.

When waiting for the wind I just stood there. Thinking. My thoughts just roaming freely:

”Festung Europa” – is that what they/we are building in Europe now? Not too different from the Nazis who wanted to remove inferior species (jews, gypsies etc) from ”das Reich”.

There were days in the distant past when there were noe passports, and people could move freely around if they had the means to live, if they could find work.

As an individual human being I can see noe reason why I cannot move freely around in this world as long as I am no criminal, I live according to the laws in the countries I visit, and as long as I am no burden to the same countries?

I am really sorry to say, but I think Hitler and Mussolini would have been smiling if they were aware of what is going on in Europe now in 2010.

In this sad mood, and with no wind (maybe the wind was responding to my gloomy mind?), I packed my glider and went back home.

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