tirsdag 19. oktober 2010

”Congratulations to Liu Xiabo - Fascism in the People’s Republic of China”

Liu Xiabo, a Chinese dissident and political prisoner, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Hopefully he will be released so that he can go to Oslo in December to receive the prize. If not the Chinese leaders retrace and walk in the same footsteps as the Nazis in the nineteenthirties (Carl von Ossietzky). As for the Nazis, the Chinese communist leaders are fighting for a cause that is lost. Now they are only fighting to cling to power and their own privileges. History will show.

In March this year I wrote what is quoted below in my blog:

”Liu Xiabo is nominated to ”Nobels fredspris”. Last December he was sentenced to 11 years in jail for ”stretching the right of free expression too far”. See http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/uriks/article3509316.ece This reminds me of Carl von Ossietzky who won the Peace Prize of Alfred Nobel for 1935 in  1936. The Nazis in Germany denied him to go to Norway and he died in jail in 1938. See http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_von_Ossietzky Conservative organizations, newspapers were against Ossietzky winning the Peace Prize, and even the Norwegian King Haakon decided not to be present at the ceremony in December 1936. The Nazis in Germany/The communists in China, albeit different ideologies, seem to behave in much the same way. There is one word for this: FASCISM. ”Hopefully the Nobel Committee of Norway will show the same courage as they did in 1936 and give the prize to Liu Xiabo.

- Artikkel 35 i Kinas grunnlov slår fast at "Borgere i Folkerepublikken Kina skal nyte godt av talefrihet, pressefrihet, forsamlings- og møtefrihet, prosesjons- og demonstrasjonsfrihet."

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