torsdag 31. oktober 2013

”Jamie Messenger wins PWC in Bir, India – Khao Sadao next year?”

See - Thailand is not far away, and Jamie was there some years ago together with Matt Senior and quite a few foreign pilots. There will be a competition in springtime, and probably the new takeoff at Khao Phrik will be ready although there is quite a lot of work making a road through the jungle.

”Can we trust a politician who cannot control his/her own weight?”

is Atle’s impertinent, nasty question. How can a prime minister (no names)  who cannot control his own weight control a whole country? Atle would never give the controls of his car to an inebriated person (an alcoholic who had consumed half a bottle of whisky) or a maniac.

Still sociopaths like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler have stayed in power for many years – the names of the sosiopaths of today you can fill in yourself.

Obese politicians in power you see almost everywhere – no names from Atle – the list is too long. Should we believe in politicians who cannot control their own eating habits?

onsdag 30. oktober 2013

”Good Advice for Everything 3 – Relaxing 1 and 2”

1 - Lie down in a prostrate position on a bed or just on the floor, - Close your eyes and start counting from hundred and downwards: Hundred, ninetynine, ninetyeight,…. Take care only to think about the digits, not pronouncing them in any way. Sooner og later you will feel you relax more and more, and suddenly, without knowing it, you stop counting. You relax.

2 – Lie down or sit in a comfortable position. – Close your eyes. Start breathing in through your left nostril and out through your right nostril. Don’t worry about that this in fact is very difficult, maybe impossible. Just try and follow with your mind the air going in through your left nostril and out through your right nostril. Eventually you will relax.

If you think this was a piece of good advice and if you want to, you can donate a decent amount of  money to Atle. On request he will give you the number of his bank account.

”Why Jews win so many Nobel Prizes”

Still it is a puzzling question.

tirsdag 29. oktober 2013

”Khao Phrik and Khao Sadao – no paragliding”

On Friday Bengt and I cut grass and bushes at Khao Phrik, and later on Khao Sadao. – The wind was pretty strong on Khao Phrik, and from the left side. The next day looked more promising – wind from ENE at Khao Sadao. Once again (as many times…) the wind came from the left side, and it was not possible to take off. As Khao Phrik is situated on the right side of a high mountain the wind has a tendency to turn around the mountain.

Hoping for the best we were sitting, sitting, and sitting. Till it was time to walk down.

On Sunday we cut more grass and bushes on Khao Sadao. Now there are two takeoffs ready for flying. So beware the wind Thai and foreign pilots!

torsdag 24. oktober 2013

"Tomorrow Khao Sadao and Khao Phrik"

Weather forecast is wind from NE, ENE. Bengt and I will cut grass and bushes at Khao Phrik take off. May be there will be some flying in the weekend.

fredag 18. oktober 2013

”110 kilometer på motorvei når føret er bra”

sier statsekretær Bård Hoksrud (bildet). Det kan umulig gå bra, mener nå Atle!!! Se på bildet en gang til! Mer på

”Atles nynorskkurs – evig liv på nettet?”

For mange år siden laget jeg et hurtigkurs i nynorsk grammatikk som en PowerPointfremvisning. Her en dag fant jeg den igjen, fremvisningen. Mulig den vil leve like lenge på nettet som det undervises i nynorsk i Norge…
Jeg måtte titte litt mer på
og der fant jeg sannelig PowerPointpresentasjonen med bakgrunnsbilde av skaresnø fra Rondane.
Mimre mimre…

”Evig eies kun det tapte”, var det visst det stod i ett av Henrik Ibsens skuespill. Av naturlige årsaker visste forfatteren lite om Internett.

onsdag 16. oktober 2013

”Good Advice for Everything 2 – Learning by sequencing and breaks”

If you want to learn a technical ability forget about schools using 45 minute lessons and short breaks in between (according to Atle!).

A technical ability can be something like reading, calculating, driving a car, kitesurfing, and so on. In short technical abilities are all the things we do automatically without thinking. Most of the things we do are in fact automated.

If you watch carefully a toddler learning itself to walk you will understand what Atle means by sequencing and breaks. This is something every child does without assistance. Parents can help the child, but first and foremost the toddler has to do this itself.

Somehow this is ”forgotten” by schools and universities where quite a lot of teaching and learning focuses on remembering and learning by rote. Lessons/lectures usually last 45 minutes or more. Not too much has changed since the ultimate goals of teaching and learning were focused on religion.

Next time you are to learn a technical skill think seriously about how you organize your learning. Remember that you will benefit more from the breaks between the sequences compared to hard work for many hours without a break, That is if you really want to excel in your skill.

Good luck!

If you think this was a piece of good advice and if you want to, you can donate a decent amount of  money to Atle. On request he will give you the number of his bank account.

mandag 14. oktober 2013

”Til høyre for Høyre”

Gjemt, men ikke helt glemt! Frisinnede var Høyres faste koalisjonspartner fra 1908 til 1940 i følge Hans Fredrik Dahl.  Kort sagt gikk de politisk sett i graven sammen med Nasjonal Samling 9. april 1940, og de gjenoppstod aldri fra de døde…

”Holy Shit! What word can you use if you cannot write (or say) ”Allah"?”

”A Christian newspaper in Malaysia may not use the word "Allah" to refer to God, a court has ruled, in a landmark decision on a matter that has fanned religious tension and raised questions over minority rights.”

”Good Advice for Everything 1 – Keep your weight”

Keep your weight steady is the issue this time. Hundreds of millions of people around the world do not understand why their weight is increasing og decreasing. If you have a normal good health and is not ill in any way the solution is easy. You only have to eat enough, not more than enough and not less than enough.

To control what is enough Atle tells you to buy a belt. That is a small investment. Your waist line is not the same before eating and after eating. You mark off three holes in the belt. If you have to go up to hole number 4 you know you should eat a bit less.

As quite a lot of people put on kilos (maybe without knowing why?), they only have to cut down on eating to go on using only three holes in the belt.

A belt is a small investment. It will save you a lot of money which you can use for other things.

If you want to you can donate some of the money to Atle. On request he will give you the number of his bank account.

søndag 13. oktober 2013

”Slik kan du forebygge demens”

er overskriften på en artikkel på -

Under bildet av et par med grått hår som er på vei nedover en bakke dekket av gult høstløv (sterk symbolikk dette her, NRK!) leser Atle denne overskriften: ”Forskere har funnet ut at det kan ha en beskyttende faktor mot demens å holde seg både fysisk og sosialt aktiv.”

”det kan ha en beskyttende faktor mot demens”? Hva betyr mon tro det? Er NRK allerede rammet av språklig demens?

Dette utdypes (eller utvannes?) med følgende presisering i ingressen: ”Hold deg fysisk aktiv, vær sosial, spis mye fisk, frukt og grønnsaker og stump røyken. Det er noen av rådene fra forskerne som skal virke forebyggende mot demens.” Lenger ned i artikkelen leser Atle at alkoholmisbruk (hvor går forresten grensen mellom bruk og misbruk? – de fleste alkoholikere har på et tidlig stadium problem med å si at de har et alkoholproblem).gir økt risiko for demens.

Tjaaa – hva skal man si? Er det ikke dette som er rådet mot så godt som alt av sykdom og elendighet?

Atle overveier nå sterkt å skrive en egen liten artikkel (mulig det blir en serie) med overskrift ”Gode råd for alt” eller ”Good Advice for Everything”.

fredag 11. oktober 2013

”Ground handling with my Adventure paraglider”

instead of running, because the wind had picked up, I carried my Adventure out to see if it wanted to fly.

A hawk was circling above finding weak thermals drifting with the wind from NE.

Yes! Some good training. The wing is a bit tricky to pull up; it has a tendency to move to one or the other side. The wind was tricky, too.

At take off it usually is easier to get the glider up.

torsdag 10. oktober 2013

"Northerly winds at Khao Sadao"

and I start to feel somewhat restless. My "feathers" are itching! Not enough wind for ground handling in daytime. Maybe I have to go to Khao Phrik and clean the take off area for grass and bushes some day?

”Forventet levealder øker, men økonomisk vekst gir kortere liv!!!”

Disse to påstandene ser ut til å være motstridende. Samtidig må folk i Norge arbeide lenger fordi forsikringsmatematikere forventer levealderen vil øke i årene fremover.

Ta en titt på denne statistikken fra SSB
Her står det at mennenes levealder økte kraftig. Samtidig har barnedødeligheten for gutter under ett år gått ned fra 305 i 1976 til 87 i 2012. Hva som skjuler seg bak statistikken, er vanskelig for Atle å si noe om. Et bedre helsevesen er nok en av årsakene.

På leser Atle at ”Økonomisk vekst gir kortere liv”
Han siterer: ”Nederlandske forskere har undersøkt velstandsutvikling og levealder i 19 industriland og fant til sin store overraskelse at innbyggerne ikke lever lengre selv om de får mer penger å rutte med.
Når økonomien i et industriland skyter fart, viser det seg tvert imot at dødsraten øker.
– Høyst uventet, konstaterer Herbert Rolden ved Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing i Nederland.
Klar sammenheng
På lang sikt fører økonomisk vekst rett nok til at dødsraten faller, men på kortere sikt skjer det stikk motsatte, viser undersøkelsen, som er gjengitt i siste utgave av Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
For hvert prosentpoeng et lands bruttonasjonalprodukt øker med, øker dødsraten for menn i alderen 70-74 år med 0,36 prosent og blant kvinner i samme aldersgruppe med 0,18 prosent, konstaterer forskerne.
I aldersgruppen 40-45 år øker dødsraten blant menn med 0,38 prosent og blant kvinner med 0,16 prosent.”

Her siterer Atle litt mer:
”– Ettersom mange industriland nå opplever økonomisk nedgang, skulle man tro at dette hadde en dempende effekt på hvor lenge eldremennesker lever. Men vi ser derimot at økt arbeidsledighet og fallende bruttonasjonalprodukt fører til lavere dødsrater, konkluderer forskerne.
I villrede
Hvordan dette kan ha seg, sliter forskerne med å forstå.”

Da blir Atles spørsmål: Hva er ”lang sikt” og hva er ”kortere sikt”? Atle har forståelse for at forskerne sliter med dette.
Her hvor han bor, ser han iallfall forfallet spre seg blant utlendinger med tilgang til billig alkohol. Når det i tillegg er så varmt at den eneste mosjonen mange orker å gjennomføre, er å heve ølglasset for å erstatte væsketapet, noe som igjen skaper den evige øltørsten (øl er som kjent vanndrivende).  Akkurat her er muligens et tips til forskerne som sliter?

tirsdag 8. oktober 2013

"Politisk fargeblind i politisk lekegrind!"

Atle må innrømme at han er politisk fargeblind. Før var det en rødgrønn regjering (Ape, essved og esspe) - Atle syntes den var grågrå. Nå blir regjeringen (Hei og Hå og F er P (hvordan kan F være det samme som P?)) ikke grågrå, men blåblå. Atle må lide av en alvorlig form for politisk fargeblindhet eller ordblindhet - han synes vitterlig den ser ut til å bli blåbrun. Eller tar han feil igjen? Som vanlig!

”Progress has arrived”

is what I think sitting here in front of a brand new LG TV (Life is Good – or is it?) writing on my computer watching the letters popping up one by one as I am pressing the keys on the computer. Great! Using the HDMI port I can watch or show everything on the PC on the TV screen! Great!

By the way – why the word ”computer” when we almost never do calculating og computing on the machine? A low tech word for a high tech machine.

If I had had an Iphone (probably short for Intelligent phone?) I guess I had scanned the TV screen for important messages from my 2.782!!! friends on Facebook.

But why do I need an intelligent phone? I think I am intelligent enough! Perusing the manual of such a phone I would just find out that I am lightyears away from being an intelligent being. So skip it!

Or maybe later? The skin on the tip of my index finger has no blisters as I guess it would have had if I had been the ”lucky” owner of an Iphone or an Ipad.

Here I am sitting on the floor in front of the TV screen surfing on the Internet. Maybe surfing is not the word. The Internet is really slow out here close to the jungle.  Progress has not arrived to this desolate place on earth where elephants, tigers, bears are plodding around in the neighbourhood. Only part of progress.

In front of my TV screen Life is Good! But only if I can put what I have just written on my blog NOW! 

YES! It worked! HOLY SHIT!  as the Americans say. By the way who or what is holy SHIT? Anybody who can help?

”Carbon Dioxide, Homo Imbecillus, and Bacteriae”

The Universe has not changed very much for the last hundred million years. Neither has the Earth. Untill a creature which, not too long ago, named itself Homo Sapiens Sapiens arrived on the scene. Atle likes to give the name Homo Imbecillus to this species.

If you go around the world you will in many places meet old place names like Land’s End, Cape Finisterre and so on. Later the Earth was the centre of the Universe. Religions made this a crucial issue. And religions still make weird somersaults of the mind.

Now we should know better than putting our species in the centre of everything. But Homo Imbecillus doesn’t.

Even environmentalists tell us that WE can change the way things are by changing our way of living. What do they mean about environmentally friendly cars, by the way? Cars releasing no carbon dioxide when driving? What would happen if every Chinese and every Indian were driving around in environmentally friendly cars?

Bacteriae have been here for a long, long time. We have not. They must have an ”intelligence” superior to ours. If not they would have been extinct.

Land’s End is in fact still very close. Ernest Hemingway grew up in a town of ”wide lawns and narrow minds”.  - Not to different from most of us even if we think different.

free counters

mandag 7. oktober 2013

”Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere”

are measured in parts per million. Recent preindustrial levels are supposed to have been 280 parts per million – 280 out of 1.000.000 which is 0.028 %.

In 2013 the level is supposed to be 395.15.  See  In per cent this is 0.039515 %. The increase is 115.15. The increase in per cent from 280 is an amazing 41.125 %.

There are different ways of making graphs depending on how you make the graph, that is the values you put in the horizontal x-axis and the vertical y-axis. See  Data tables should be included next to the plotted graph for easy reference.

The graphs will look different according to the inputs. If you look at the graph below you will think that what you see is the increase in carbon dioxide levels. What you see is in fact only the data which is put into the graph. If the data in the y-axis had been 1.000.000, 2.000.000, 3.000.000, and 4.000.000 line marking the increase whould have been completely flat to the eye from 1.000.280 to 1.000.395.15. The increase in % of the last two numbers is 0.009498 %, an incredibly small increase in per cent.


Carbon dioxide level graph

The following chart plots the monthly mean atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. Because I cannot paste the graph here you will have to click the link. the graph is pretty steep.

This graph is stunning. This is what you and I see, and this is what the policy makers see. To be more precise: This is what the people who make the graph WANT us to see. What we see is approxmimately(?) the increase in per cent from 280 parts to 395,15 - about 41 %.
To make my point a bit clearer you have to read this hypothetical example:
In Norway one year 100 people died from the flu. The next year 200 people died. An increase in mortalities of stunning 100 %. In Norway there are about 5.000.000 people. If we live for 80 years 62.500 will die every year. The mortality rate is 1,25 %. An increase of 100 one year is an increase in the mortality rate from 1.25 % to 1.252 %. Although mortalities due to the the flu soared to an amazing 100 %, the mortality rate increased only 0.002 %


Just remember that I do not mean that my way is the correct one…

søndag 6. oktober 2013

"More beetles from Thailand!

I collected a handful of beetles feeding on guava fruit. See photos:

”Hvem vil betale for dette?”

Nettaviser i Norge ser ut til å ville ta betalt for deler av innholdet. Når kvaliteten på innholdet i nettavisene stort sett er langt under pari, hvem vil betale for dette? De fleste lesere av nettaviser er nok innom flere aviser på nettet, skummer gjennom overskrifter og tar en nærmere titt på det som virker interessant. Da har man neppe interesse av å betale for innholdet i alle de avisene man eer innom. Men det er jo lov å forsøke.

Følgende overskrifter er hentet fra noe som Dagbladet kaller” Pluss”:Insektsex spår været
- Møter du en krokodille vil den svømme ved siden av deg til du er inne på grunna før den slår til

Hvem gidder å betale for dette, mon tro? Ikke Atle i hvert fall! Minus for Blabla…

lørdag 5. oktober 2013

"Beetles mating!"

I collected some nice beetles today. While they stayed inside a plastic bag two of them used the opportunity...