tirsdag 12. april 2011

”It is not illegal to be stupid, ignorant and a nitwit!”

NN: Lots of people in high offices seem to live up to this. Maybe you remember H. C. Andersen’s story about the emperor’s new clothes? It does not help these people if they are clever as hell, scores in the top five per cents in intelligence tests etc. if they show in real life that they are stupid, ignorant and nitwits. As you do from time to time, too…

Atle: Am I like that, too? You really mean what you are saying?

NN: Yes! I definitely do.

Atle: Ouch!

NN:  The bright side is that you are not in power. And it is not illegal.So you can just go on writing in this blog as you have been doing. No problem.

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